'B+' NAAC Accredited ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Godavari Foundation's
Godavari Institute Of Management & Research, Jalgaon
Affiliated to NMU, Jalgaon. Approved by AICTE, New Delhi. Recognised by State Govt. of Maharashtra


Director Message

Now-a-days you are aware that we are in Global Competition, Challenges are attacking from every direction and to nullify these challenges required defense power which is possible through substantial potential. M. B. A. is one of the management courses which has such potential.

Godavari Foundation’s, Godavari Institute of Management & Research, Jalgaon (An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Institution) is affiliated to North Maharashtra University & Approved by All India Council for Technical Education New Delhi & Recognized by Govt. of India, conducting M.B.A. Course since its inception in 2001. Over the years G.I.M.R. has displayed its professionalism in nearly all the situation in the most commendable manner. The dedication and commitment of G.I.M.R. staff has inspired confidence among the students.

The vision of G.I.M.R. aims at making a substantial contribution the enhancement of management education being it as a obsessive journey.

“Invest in Knowledge pays good interest”.

I would like to extend warm welcome to new comers.

Dr. Prashant S. Warke

Godavari Institute of Management & Research
GIMR Campus, P-54, Near Bharat Petroleum,
Aditional MIDC, Bhusawal Road,
Dist - Jalgaon-425003, Maharashtra, India.
Tel:- +91-257-2270731.
Fax:- +91-257-2270732.
E-mail:- gimrjal@rediffmail.com

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