'B+' NAAC Accredited ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Godavari Foundation's
Godavari Institute Of Management & Research, Jalgaon
Affiliated to NMU, Jalgaon. Approved by AICTE, New Delhi. Recognised by State Govt. of Maharashtra

WiFi Campus...

Wi-Fi Campus

The entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled to provide mobility to the users in accessing various services available on institute's network. All the Classrooms, Library, Computer Centre and Seminar Hall have been enabled with indoor wireless network.

Godavari Institute of Management & Research
GIMR Campus, P-54, Near Bharat Petroleum,
Aditional MIDC, Bhusawal Road,
Dist - Jalgaon-425003, Maharashtra, India.
Tel:- +91-257-2270731.
Fax:- +91-257-2270732.
E-mail:- gimrjal@rediffmail.com

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