'B+' NAAC Accredited ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Godavari Foundation's
Godavari Institute Of Management & Research, Jalgaon
Affiliated to NMU, Jalgaon. Approved by AICTE, New Delhi. Recognised by State Govt. of Maharashtra

About IQAC...

The basic purpose of establishment of IQAC as a post accreditation quality measure is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution and to assure all the stake holders about the quality and capacity building programs provided in the institution. The IQAC has established in 2017-18 in the institute. For smooth functioning, the institute has formed different committees like Anti Ragging committee, Anti women harassment committee, Grievance Redressal committee, Research cell, T& P committee, Alumni association etc.

Internal Quality Assurance Cell the College has developed several quality assurance mechanisms within the existing academic and administrative system. These are as follows:

It supports to conduct workshops, awareness programs, Group discussions, Presentations, Guest lectures, Teaching-Learning & Evaluation, Research oriented seminars etc. It analyses the feedback received from Students. Policies and plans regarding the quality assurance are communicated to the alumni in the meeting with the alumni. IQAC also contributes significantly in promoting new ideas and innovations in teaching-learning process by adopting ICT methods.

Godavari Institute of Management & Research
GIMR Campus, P-54, Near Bharat Petroleum,
Aditional MIDC, Bhusawal Road,
Dist - Jalgaon-425003, Maharashtra, India.
Tel:- +91-257-2270731.
Fax:- +91-257-2270732.
E-mail:- gimrjal@rediffmail.com

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